Academic Events

Past Events

Renaissance Society of America Conference Chicago

Palmer House Hotel, Chicago

At the annual Renaissance Society of America Conference, taking place in Chicago this year, I will present a paper on “The Humanist Roots of Enlightenment Radical Religion Seen through Renaissance […]

30 Mar

Pre-RSA Gallery Reception “Tensions in Renaissance Cities”

Special Collections, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago Campus — 12:00

A public reception for our Special Collections exhibit “Tensions in Renaissance Cities” organized by myself and a group of U Chicago and Northwestern students, plus SIFK postdoc Stuart McManus. Leading up to […]

29 Mar

MidAmericon (Worldcon 2015)

Bartle Hall, Kansas City, MO

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non adipiscing mi. Maecenas varius sem arcu. Quisque nec ipsum dolor. Ut ac diam arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis […]

17 Aug

Gencon Writer’s Symposium


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non adipiscing mi. Maecenas varius sem arcu. Quisque nec ipsum dolor. Ut ac diam arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis […]

4 Aug

"Warm, generous, and inviting," Inventing the Renaissance provides a witty and irreverent journey through the fantasies historians have constructed about the supposed Dark Ages and golden Renaissance, and exposes the terrible yet often tender reality beneath.