An archive of previous and past events.
Library Society Address
Regenstein Library, University of Chicago —
Discussing my work with Renaissance books and manuscripts, and my students’ project to assemble an exhibit on “Tensions in Renaissance Cities” for the University of Chicago Library Society.
Guest of Honor at Penguicon
1500 Town Center Southfield, MI. 48075
Penguicon is an”Open Source” Science Fiction Convention full of amazing creators & copyright activists. Looking forward to discussing my project on the history of censorship and information control!
Society for French Historical Studies Rountable Honoring Alan C. Kors
525 New Jersey Ave. NW, Washington, D.C
Celebrating a brilliant scholar and my most treasured undergraduate mentor, Alan C. Kors, who is still one of my greatest scholarly mentors, and whose work on the “orthodox sources of […]
Works of the Mind Lecture at the Chicago Cultural Center
University of Chicago —
A public lecture on my research on Epicureanism and Stoicism in Renaissance thought, hosted at the Chicago Cultural Center in downtown chicago, and enabled by the Grahm School of Continuing Liberal […]
Renaissance Society of America Conference Chicago
Palmer House Hotel, Chicago
At the annual Renaissance Society of America Conference, taking place in Chicago this year, I will present a paper on “The Humanist Roots of Enlightenment Radical Religion Seen through Renaissance […]
Pre-RSA Gallery Reception “Tensions in Renaissance Cities”
Special Collections, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago Campus — 12:00
A public reception for our Special Collections exhibit “Tensions in Renaissance Cities” organized by myself and a group of U Chicago and Northwestern students, plus SIFK postdoc Stuart McManus. Leading up to […]
Launch Event for “Seven Surrenders”
57th Street Books, Hyde Park, Chicago — 6:00 PM
A public launch celebration for “Seven Surrenders” featuring a dialog between myself and the excellent scholar/critic David M. Perry, hosted at 57th Street Books in Hyde Park, here in Chicago.
Neighborhoods of the World Italian Festival
Navy Pier, Chicago — 12:00 to 2 PM
I will do a hands-on presentation on the history of printing at the Italy festival on Chicago’s Navy Pier, featuring real examples of antique books and manuscripts that you can touch […]
Boskone 2017
Westin Waterfront Hotel, Boston
Boskone 2017 in Boston, including a half-hour “Sassafrass: Trickster & King” concert with Lauren Schiller, and panels including “Why Libraries are (Still) Important,” “Poetry and Performance,” “Words Have More Than […]
Pandemonium Books Tor Author Event
Pandemonium Books, 4 Pleasant St, Cambridge, MA 02139 — 6 PM
Massive multi-author Tor event at Pandemonium Books in Cambridge MA, featuring myself, Scott Lynch, Elizabeth Bear, Max Gladstone, Charlie Stross, Fran Wilde, and Jo Walton. We’re going to play a group […]